My mother-in-law bought materials for making accessories. Never thought it would really interests me. Well, I thought of making some for myself but time never gave me a chance to make it happen. I just watch her as she twist and turn the wires. Mix and match the beads, pearls and swarovski crystals. Somehow, it made me curious.

I tried making some yesterday and it turned out that I LIKED IT !!! I was actually having fun. It's kinda addictive. Now, I am planning to make more. It may be useful to me in the future. It can also be a money maker for someone who enjoys it.

these images are the ones I made, including the one on top;


  1. Themuxicbox  

    January 5, 2008 at 6:55 PM

    I like the one in the 2nd picture. ;D consider having a website to sell your creations?

  2. Nhea  

    January 5, 2008 at 10:58 PM

    themusicbox, thanks for the comment.
    Actually yes, I'm planning to have my own website.

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