As we were about to go to church for candle lighting, we ran across a sign saying "LIFE IS FRAGILE - HANDLE WITH PRAYER". This gave me a smile on my face, as this is also what I believe in. God has only given us one chance to live our lives here on earth. Why not take advantage of it? It’s time to show your loved ones how special they are. Tell them how much you love and care for them. Say sorry to those people you’ve fought with or hurt. No matter who started the fight or argument, just give way. Maybe it’ll give you a chance to start a new.

Prayer is powerful. Serve the Lord with gladness. Let the past be past. Do not focus on the things, which you will be stuck. You can’t change it. Don’t let sadness steal your joy.

Finish your sorrows and pains with appreciation. Stop complaining, murmuring about the things that disappointed you. Be Happy. It’s up to us if we want to live our life with meaning. Meaning here means Living life to the likeness of GOD.


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