It is common to lose between 50/100 hairs/day.This is a process of hair renewal. There are just some people who undergo extreme hair loss at one time in their life. These are caused by taking medications, chemotherapy, contact to chemicals, radiation, thyroid disease, nutritional insufficiency, local skin disease, hormonal imbalance, and even stress. Hair Loss may be permanent to some and temporary to most of us. It is a very devastating and frustrating fact for a person to grasp the thought of losing his or her hair. Just think of how difficult it would be for a woman to have no hair at all. You know how women these days love to show off the style and color of their hair. There are guys who lose their self-esteem just because they are going bald.

Before we only have few options to get excellent result for this kind of problem. And we can say they are expensive options. But a product for excessive hair loss that they call Provillus was invented. Men and Women have tried them and gave excellent results. They just keep on growing. That is why provillus reviews were shown to give you an overview on what you will be expecting in this product. It shows the price, ingredients used, effectiveness, etc. Results will start showing in 1-2 months. Isn’t it great to have such product who does provillus work?!


  1. Christopher Litmon  

    July 1, 2008 at 11:36 AM

    If anyone is wondering if Provillus works I must say it does. I'm one satisfied customer.

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