I never thought that my family would appreciate my roasted chicken. As I just tried to mix different kinds of spices in it. For this month, I've already cooked it 3 times including today.
Anyway, here is the recipe:

1 whole chicken
Crushed Garlic - a lot of them
squeezed calamansi - 1 to 2 pcs
a dash of pepper
half a cup of honey
half a cup of barbeque sauce

Marinate the chicken with all of the ingredients. Leave it for at least 2-3 hours. Or probably, it would taste much better if you leave it overnight.

Put the Chicken in a big pan with the sauce. Put it in 220 degrees. Make sure you turn it over every 30 minutes. Cooking time would take up to an hour to 1 1/2.

Anyway, this is easy to cook. No need to stir or fry. It's just a matter of mixing the right ingredients then, bake. Make sure you have a timer ready to prevent it from getting burnt.


  1. Lizeth  

    April 23, 2008 at 7:01 AM

    sounds yummy!! i love tasty roasted chicken!

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