My son had his educational field trip yesterday. My husband and I tagged along together with the whole school. It was not really a very thrilling moment for us because it was raining very hard. Not only did we leave the school an hour after the said departure time but, we spent almost 2 hours to reach the first destination. My thought was, “It was a never ending trip”. Kids were shouting all over the bus and the aircon was like we’re in a freezer.

Upon reaching the Avilon Zoo located in Montalban, Rizal, Philippines, it was already midday. We’d have to eat lunch. So much time is wasted. Not knowing that there would be a cold front, we didn’t get a chance to bring umbrellas, raincoats or anything that would keep us from getting wet.

And so, the tour started. Noticing that most of the animals were just hiding from their dens and cages. I just hope that we didn’t join the field trip. Aside from being soaked to death by the heavy rain, our camera just died on us as we were taking pictures.

Somehow, we were lucky that we took some pictures and videos before it happened.

Here is some actual footage of some animals in the zoo.

Water Dragon Lizards

Bird Family


My best friend

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"dancing parrot"


Arapaima is a tropical freshwater fish from South America. It is one of the largest freshwaterfish in the world, reportedly with a maximum length in excess of 3 m (9.8 ft.) and weight up to 200 kg (440 lb.). As one of the most sought after food fish species in South America, it is often captured primarily by handheld nets for export, by spearfishing for local consumption, and, consequently, large arapaima of more than 2 m are seldom found in the wild today.

The diet of the arapaima consists of fish or even other kinds of small animals, including birds. The fish also has the ability to breathe air from the surface due to a lung-like lining of its throat, an advantage in oxygen-deprived water that is often found in the Amazon River. This fish is therefore able to survive extensive drought periods by gulping air and burrowing in the mud or sand of the swamps.

The arapaima has also been introduced for fishing in Thailand and Malaysia. It is also considered an aquarium fish, although it obviously requires a large tank and ample resources.

Fossils of arapaima or a very similar species have been found in the Miocene Villavieja

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"Resting Ostrich"


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