I was just looking through my notebook I use in church. There was this page I wrote down about a topic in our last service; I believe it was this November 11, 2007.

The topic was taken from the Bible ACTS 9: 20-25

It was about Saul who was preaching Christ in the synagogue and that he is the Son of God. The people around him became annoyed when he was preaching. Thinking how he knew too much or how did he know all this stuff. Why do they get annoyed when all he was trying to do was spreading the good news of the Lord?

Some people tend to judge other people just because they have a lot of things to say. Let us not be such a quack here. Sometimes we do think that we know better or no matter what he says, we’re still going to do what we feel like doing. No matter what they say...cause this is your life?!!

But you know what? It takes courage to know Jesus and to preach about Him. You don’t have to go to Bible school to be a disciple. Becoming a disciple requires discipline not just desire. Because discipline protects desire to make what we speak and act godly.

It takes a disciple to hold a rope. When someone is trying to demolish our church, someone out there is ready to get injure himself and grasp on the rope to protect it. Thank God for Rope Holders.


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