Do you know how hard it is to not have a passport? Your dream of traveling will be afloat. Your wanting to explore new places would just be mere imagination. Actually, it is easy to get a passport. It’s only in the Philippines where Filipinos are required to pass unnecessary documents. I just cannot understand the point of asking a divorced person who already got married to present a document which is impossible to produce. For example: When divorced, the only document that is needed to present is the divorce decree. So, it was only the divorce decree given to me. I haven’t gone to the US. I did not pursue my application before. So, it’s impossible for me to produce such document. My ex and I never spoke to each other ever since. We don’t have any communication. I also have no plans of really talking to him. Though, I’ve tried texting him. He replied, but it is pretty obvious that he’s not gonna help me with this one. Anyway, I’m not really sure how this works but, God help me. I do pray and hope that by next week. I’ll have a new passport and will be able to give myself another step forward on what to do next.


  1. Mel Avila Alarilla  

    April 9, 2008 at 5:39 PM

    You are tagged. Please go to my blog- Random Thoughts, and read my latest post "10 Reasons Why I Blog." After reading it, please make your on post on "10 Reasons Why I Blog," then copy the tagboard after the meme and add your name next to mine. Then tag as many persons as you could, giving them these same instructions. Please copy and include the tagboard after your meme and instruct those you will tag to do the same. This will ensure a tremendous surge in the number of traffic and viewers in our respective blogs. Do this and see how traffic and viewership figures in your blog increase exponentially. Thank you very much and God bless.

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