One day a ten-year-old boy went to an ice cream shop, sat at a table and asked the waitress. How much is an ice cream cone? She said,” Seventy-five cents”. The boy started counting the coins he had in his hand. Then he asked how much a small cup of ice cream was. The waitress impatiently, annoyingly replied, Sixty-five cents. The boy said,” I would like a small ice cream please”.

After eating his ice cream, he paid for the ice cream then left. When the waitress came back to pick up the empty plate, she was surprised and felt bad. Underneath were ten one-cent coins as tip.

The little boy had consideration for the impatient, annoyed waitress before ordering his ice cream. He has thought for her too before himself.

Do we consider others?


I would like to thank Mr. Arun Kumar for this story. It has inspired me to be more conscious on how i will react towards people's reactions and response. I hope you've learned something too.


  1. Anonymous  

    February 17, 2008 at 1:04 PM

    I loved that post. It's amazing to me how much more you can attract to yourself when you are focused on giving to others.

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