Are you feeling tired and lonely? Are you feeling lost and wanting to find ways to lift up your spirit? I think it is time for you to take a break. Come aboard with your family or yourself to this breathtaking opportunity – a Christian Cruise which allows you to enjoy, praise, join worship services. You also be visiting different places like historical sites. Here you’ll be able to discover and acquire more knowledge about the Bible. There are a lot of Christian Cruises available for you. But, not all gives you an opportunity to visit historical sites. Christian Cruises such as this, allows you to enjoy wonderful, inspiring teachings you want to hear. Visit the website to learn more about their Tall Sail Christian Cruise Adventure Itinerary.

You’ll be hearing from different speakers; Pastor Joe Barron, Dr. Robert Cornuke, Pastor Bob Hey, Pastor GL Johnson, Pastor John Knapp and Pastor Tim Remington. You will be blessed with a package which includes: Study guides, onboard teaching, devotionals and music. A Bible study will be conducted in different ports. Meals aboard ship will also be provided. Non-motorized water sports will be enjoyed with no limit.

Now, what are you waiting for?


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